5 Reasons Kids Should Try Archery

photo by Danielle Sorum

photo by Danielle Sorum

Archery is a great sport for all, but especially for kids! Here are 5 reasons kids should give archery a try.

1) Archery is a Team AND Individual Sport

For kids who don’t participate in traditional sports or extracurricular activities after school because they are shy, archery is a great option. One great thing about the sport is that it can be practiced as an individual or as a team sport. If your child is shy, they can shoot individually while still being in an environment with other kids/archers. They have the option of socializing and interacting with other kids but don’t necessarily have to in the same way they would if they were playing on a team in a traditional school sport.

photo by Danielle Sorum

photo by Danielle Sorum

2) Archery Builds Confidence

Whether your child is on a team or shoots individually, they are solely responsible for how they shoot. When they do well, they will feel a sense of accomplishment which can help build their confidence. Being an accomplished archer makes them stand out individually, which can do wonders for a child’s self-esteem.

photo by Danielle Sorum

photo by Danielle Sorum

3)  Archery Teaches “Life” Skills

Archery teaches kids an incredible amount of self-improvement skills, which are invaluable. Skills like patience, focus, concentration, coordination, physical strength, leadership, and sportsmanship, to name a few. The also learn about safety, and the responsibility that comes with handling a weapon. And, if they decide to take it a step further and try hunting, bow hunters learn incredible woodsmanship as well.

In a world with so much instant gratification, patience is such an important skill for kids to learn. Along with almost all the other skills they will learn, patience will not only help them when shooting and bowhunting, but in so many other areas of their life as well. 

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4) Archery is a Sport for Anyone

Another reason some kids shy away from traditional school sports is because of the contact or “aggression” that is required to compete in many of them. Some kids shy away from contact sports because of that.

Archery is a sport that is inclusive to all, no matter their abilities. Kids with physical limitations are able to participate, too. There are so many ways a bow can be shot, sometimes you just have to think outside the box!

A bow can be pulled back with the mouth, can be shot sitting down, and by people who have impaired sight. Archery in general is a challenge, but all of these methods of shooting can be done with a bit of practice and some assistance. Overall, hitting the target is an accomplishment that is extremely rewarding!

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5) Archery is Fun!

Archery can be practiced indoors at a range or outdoors in a back yard. It can be just a paper target sport or can evolve into 3D archery or even bowhunting. Archery gives kids a sense of power in being able to control their bow to hit a target. Talk about exhilarating!

Like any sport, children (and adults) can learn a lot from archery that they can use in many other areas of their lives. And, as long as it’s practiced safely, archery has some great advantages over traditional school sports and extracurricular activities.